Wednesday, March 02, 2005

An open letter to the person(s) who burgled me early Monday morning

You forced open a window and entered my home while I slept. You stole things from me that I had worked hard to be acquire, and things I didn't realise could be stolen. You stole my peace of mind. My confidence in my independence as a person and as a woman. You stole the pleasure I get from sitting on my back porch late at night watching fruitbats fly over. I don't feel safe doing this now. I startle at possums moving the branched outside my windows. I sleep with my valuables stashed around me. I don't sleep. I wake yelling from nightmares where you are standing over me as I sleep and I chase after you and yell 'You!' 'You!'. I don't understand all of how I know feel, but I know you did this when you made my home unsafe.

What gives you the right to effect a person in this way? To change a person's life in this way? To hurt a person in this way? What gives you the right? Because you didn't have the same opportunities I have had? Because you don't have people around you who would make sure you never had to resort to this, no matter how bad things got? Is it because you are just too ignorant and insensitive to understand that what you did was wrong and impacted upon an innocent person? You know, if you had approached me for help, honestly and with good will, chances are I would have helped you in some way willingly and without the need to this violation. I help people. That's how I am. I have to believe that people are fundamentally good and kind and just, otherwise I become depressed. You have given me reason to doubt this belief and to doubt the goodness of people. This is a cruel, cruel thing to do to me.

I have insurance. I have backups of files. The physical things you stole will be sold to allow you to feed your habit/ego/children and will be easily replaced. The most valuable thing you stole from me doesn't have street value and will take years to replace.

Understand that the world is balanced. When you give yourself in kindness, at some point you will receive kindness in return. When you take with such malice, you will receive in kind. Understand this, and understand the effect your actions have.

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