Thursday, November 25, 2004

The India Diaries - Part 4

Ahh India. Land of sacred cows, amazing tradition, call centres vegetarian McDonald's. Oh, and plenty of "2-star magnificent luxury hotel". Makes you wonder what a 5-star is described as.

Only 13 more sleeps... yay! And gah! So i've started getting slightly nervous. I've traveled a lot in my young life, but never to a place where my language isn't the first language of everyone else (despite the funny Aussie accent, its still English... kinda), and where I'm afraid the scale and strangeness of the place will overwhelm me. The funny thing is that 5 years ago, I wouldn't have hesitated or felt the slightest inkling of apprehension at traveling alone in a very foreign country. Now, it scares the crap out of me. Is this something that happens with age? And if so, will it continue at this rate for the rest of my life? Will I end up at 40 too scared to leave my house or talk to the delivery guy from the Thai place where I will order all of my meals? This is very much not like to me to be feeling this nervous. I'm not the type to shy away from a challenge or something that scares the crap out of me... but the malaria-ridden mosquitoes in my stomach just won't settle down.

And in other age-related news, my father doesn't know how old I am. This disturbs me a little, especially as he stated quite clearly in an email that I am 2 years younger than I actually am. He should know when I was born, right? He was a main contributor to the event.

1 comment:

200ok said...

The onset of age appears to bring with it a greater awareness of your own mortality. Hence why I thought flying was brilliant when I was a kid, but now I'm not entirely keen on it and I'm happier once the plane has landed.