Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The India Diaries - How to fit 4 foreigners and 14 Indians into a Jeep

So, I left Agra this morning to head to nearby Fatephur Sikra, an 800 year old city and fort. I thought the 2 hour bus ride there was crowded, with several people standing and one family of four sitting on a seat built for no more than 2 Ghandi-sized people. Nah! That was spacious compared to coming back. After a great day of wandering the old city, snacking from the vendors and chai stands as I went, I got to chatting with 2 guys from Mexico who had been trekking in Nepal, and yet another Canadian. So the sign at the bus stop said that there would be a bus back to Agra every half hour from 8am to 6pm. So we settled in for a late lunch and drink at a restaurant right next to the bus stop, thinking we would catch the 6pm bus back. Nope. 8am to 6pm means that the last bus leaves at 5:30pm, and aren't you silly for thinking otherwise. Fortunately, there was a jeep heading that way and we could get on it for only 5 rupee more than the bus would have cost. Sweet. A nice, luxurious (comparatively) jeep all to ourselves for only 20 rupee each. Nup. We were sharing it with 14 other people. There were two guys hanging off the back, one out of the passenger side door, and the driver was almost out the door. I say door, but this thing hadn't had any doors on it for a very long time. Comfortable? No. Scary? Oh god yes. Absolutely great fun? That too. And after almost freezing on the autorickshaw then bus ride that morning, I was nice and toasty squashed between 2 Mexicans, and half buried under their packs.

Off for a few chill-out days around the river in Ocha before heading back up to Delhi and home. I am going to miss this place.

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