Sunday, June 08, 2008

To the naysayers

I've had mixed reactions when I tell people - friends, relatives, friends of relatives - that I'm traveling alone and that I'm traveling long and far. Some think it's exciting. Some reminisce about the time in their youth that they did something similar. And some look a little askance at me. They think that for a single woman to travel alone she must me running away from something. Some recent trauma that has her all unhinged. To these people I would like to say, loudly and emphatically, I AM NOT BROKEN.

I am not running away from something. I'm having a rest. There is nothing wrong with me that fresh air, long horizons and a lot of good sleep can't repair. So please, keep your disapproval, your tsk-tsks, there theres, and wagging fingers to yourselves. Keep your brows furrowed with concern too because I am not broken.


Unknown said...

Hear Hear.
Travelling alone allows so much more freedom.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself and having a long deserved rest Kate. :)