Sunday, December 19, 2004

The India Diaries - Part 8: Heading North

India is such a place of contrasts and contradictions. I am sitting in an internet cafe (finally!) in Pune, just east of Mumbai. I'm surrounded by young, western-looking university students who are chatting, working on assignments, and just bumming around on a Saturday night. Down the street are cafes, resturants, and the place has a typical young Saturday night feel, although a little tamer than in the west. But across the road, a mangy dog and an old woman in a pale green saree are rumaging through a dumpster and less than a block away, children sleep with their parents on the sidewalk next to the most filthy stretch of river I have ever seen. The contrast is simply amazing.

I wish I had more time to spend posting updates but voluteer work with Rotary has kept me very busy and moving around the state, nowhere near an internet-connected computer. I've been keeping a written journal though, and will transcribe it when I get the chance. Photos to come too, I hope.

For now, its up to Ragistan for some desert trekking and a week at a meditation centre in Jaipur before starting the journey home.

(Namaste means both hello and goodbye in Hindi - like I said, a land of contradictions.)

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