Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Montreal - July 21

I love this city. People are serious about enjoying life, especially when the sun is out. The buildings are just beautiful, the food fantastic and the rent cheap. I've not been writing much these past few days, partly because I have a friend along to share my inner monologue that otherwise ends up as text and partly because I've been alternately busy and tired. Lots of time spent lazing in parks and in our lovely B&B.

I've also been making the arrangements that need to be made in order to finish up my trip. I've arranged to sell my van to a lovely young Quebecois couple with 2 little girls who are keen campers. It was great to see them get as excited about owning my van as I was when I bought it. I'm glad to see that Clauss will be going to a good home, but I am rather sad to be selling him. I only have a week and a half left with my home on wheels.

I've also been invited to join another week-long horse riding trip, this time in Bordeaux in the south of France. Little bit different to the Rockies, but so lovely I just couldn't turn it down. So on August 8, I'll leave Montreal for London then make my way to Bordeaux to meet up with the group. Then it's back to Vancouver for a couple days to say my good byes and then home to Brisbane. I'm feeling very mixed about finishing this trip. I've had some lows and a lot of very wonderful highs over the past 3 months and I'm sure the last month will have both as well. But 4 months is a long time to be on the road and part of me is looking forward to being stationary again. I'll see how long it lasts.

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