Monday, May 12, 2008

Slightly terrified

So I'm back on the island now. With my plan changes, I was now able to go to Sara's bachelorette party, with was a wonderful positive to come out of it all. A great night was had by all at a chalet on Mt Washington and despite the hangovers, I thoroughly enjoyed the inter-generational partying.

So now the plan is a little more nebulous. I'll spend tomorrow morning kitting out Clauss before heading up island again, this time with Hornby Island being my destination. I'm not entirely sure why I've chosen Hornby, but I feel like I need to spend a good few days in solitude and Hornby is a good enough place as any for this. I've gotten as far as booking a campsite but that's about it. The openness of it both excites me and terrifies me a little. How dependent on the company of others we become. I'm quietly afraid my own company won't be nearly enough to keep me going, but then I suppose that's part of the reason I'm taking this trip.

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